Luger Artillery Pistol 1916 - Snail Drum Carrier WW1


Luger Artillery Pistol 1916 - Snail Drum Carrier WW1
Luger Artillery Pistol 1916 - Snail Drum Carrier WW1
Luger Artillery Pistol 1916 - Snail Drum Carrier WW1
Luger Artillery Pistol 1916 - Snail Drum Carrier WW1
We have been searching years to find one of these extremely rare Artillery
Luger pistol snail drum carriers which are rarer than the artillery drum
or loader itself.

Used by Imperial German soldiers in the trenches during WW1, the Snail drum
when attached to the Artillery Luger was a formidable deterrent against the
imposing forces.

The thirty-two round drum magazine carrier was used with the 1916-1920 Artillery
Luger pistol.The drum carriers were made for use with 9mm ammunition only.
The 1st issue drum being rarer than the proceeding second issue. A special
loading tool for the drum magazine was fitted to the top of the drum to
compress the spring during loading.

These rare and special canvas carriers for the drum magazine are identical down to
the last stitch. The availability of such being very limited indeed. Accessories
not included. (New Made Item)
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