Encased set pair of Miniature Boutet's pistols. Ref.#ML.1


Encased set pair of Miniature Boutet's pistols. Ref.#ML.1
Encased set pair of Miniature Boutet's pistols. Ref.#ML.1
Encased set pair of Miniature Boutet's pistols. Ref.#ML.1
Encased set pair of Miniature Boutet's pistols. Ref.#ML.1
Encased set pair of Miniature Boutet's pistols. Ref.#ML.1
Encased set pair of Miniature Boutet's pistols. Ref.#ML.1
Encased set pair of Miniature Boutet's pistols. Ref.#ML.1
Encased set pair of Miniature Boutet's pistols. Ref.#ML.1
Encased set pair of Miniature Boutet's pistols. Ref.#ML.1
Encased set pair of Miniature Boutet's pistols. Ref.#ML.1
Encased set pair of Miniature Boutet's pistols. Ref.#ML.1
Encased set pair of Miniature Boutet's pistols. Ref.#ML.1
Encased set pair of Miniature Boutet's pistols. Ref.#ML.1
Encased set pair of Miniature Boutet's pistols. Ref.#ML.1
Encased set pair of Miniature Boutet's pistols. Ref.#ML.1
Encased set pair of Miniature Boutet's pistols. Ref.#ML.1
Imperial Gift Presentation - Encased miniature pair of officer pistols 0.4 scale.
Made by "Michel Lefaivre" - The Worlds finest Master Craftsman of Miniature Pistols.

Under the French Empire, a luxurious encased pair of duelling pistols was the most
beautiful present that could be offered by the Emperor as a reward or trophy
for feat of arms, as a sign of gratitude or to honour a statesman, a minister
or another important person.

To perpetuate this tradition belonging to a prestigious past and also to meet
the challenge of the artist-gunsmiths of the past century, such an encased
pair of pistols has been recreated. However, this set has a peculiarity which
makes it even more fascinating:


Each pistol bears the artist's stamp and is a real, entirely handmade piece
of jewellery executed in the same way as in the past, from the most noble
basic materials, such as gold, silver, steel, walnut, ivory and velvet.

This miniature functions perfectly and reproduces to scale (2.5:1) in its tiniest
details the lock mechanisms, stocks with "powder grain" checkering, all sterling
silver furnishings, accessories and very fine engravings. The octagonal barrels
have magnificent 24K gold inlaid scrolls, stylised flower heads and geometrical
designs on a nice blue ground.

Altogether, this masterpiece reproduces the quality and finish of the famous
"Manufacture de Versailles" managed by N.N. Boutet who produced these arms,
whose outstanding beauty has never been equalled in the world until now.

Content - Photo's shown in the Order as they appear :-

1-Boutet's pistols on presentation stand.
2-Encased set pair of Boutet's pistols.
3-Encased set in hand.
4-24K gold inlaid scrolls on barrels.
5-Boutet Pistol in hand.
6-Lock-plate mechanism details.
7-Pistols Under-view showing silver engraved furniture's.
8-Détails showing 24 K gold inlaying s and powder flask.
9-Bullet mold and accessories.
10-Barrel end detail.
11-Butt silver plate.
12-Flintlock mechanisms.

For his outstanding ‘’Museum Quality’’ miniature arms produced, Michel Lefaivre
won many trophies in America: among these, the Miniature Arms Society of
America awarded to Michel Lefaivre at its Miniature Arms contest in Houston
TX -2001 an engraved silver medal “ WORLD’S BEST MINIATURE “ for its
Cased set pair of Boutet duelers presented here. Only two such Cased sets
have been produced today in the world by M.L., there are no others.

A fine Investment Opportunity.

Firm Selling Price of the set: 24,000.00 US $ - Packing and freight not included

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