Title: The Broomhandle Mauser Pistol 1896-1936
Authors: Wayne Erickson & Charles E Pate.
Edition: Limited 1st edition Signed by both Authors.
Fully Illustrated with color and B&W photographs.
Pages: 298 pages + 200 photo illustrations. In quality coated paper
Binding: Hardbound in simulated leather.
Condition: New
The Broomhandle Pistol 1896-1936 is a visual reference guide to assist collectors identify the history of these remarkable pistol and many variations of the Broomhandle Pistol made between 1896-1936 including shoulder stocks, holsters and Accessories.
This book is the essential reference guide used extensively by Firearms Museums, Libraries, gunsmiths and collectors world-wide.
Fully illustrated with B&W and color photographs identifying the pistols correct bluing and strawing and many other factual
details not found in any other Mauser Broomhandle pistol Book of its kind.
Type pistols identified: German Mauser, Spanish Astra, Shansei & other Chinese C96 pistol variations etc..